We are not going to tell you to buy something you don’t love, just because it is made in the USA. Likewise, we are not going to tell you shouldn’t buy something you want or need simply because it is made elsewhere. We believe in buying things made in the USA due to the quality, standards, and heritage.
In this global market, sometimes it is hard to pin down where some things come from. Some products are assembled in the United States with parts made elsewhere. Consumers often are not aware of this. The label does not tell the whole story, not by a long shot. There are few consumer items you can purchase in the U.S. that don’t have some level of international content.
Down to the finest of details, we have gone the extra mile to ensure that we hold true to our core company values. We also fully support the American manufacturing industry and the jobs market. This is our corporate mission. Every product, element, and label offers supportive documentation that it truly is made in the USA.
At Proud To Buy American®, we have attempted to have a 100% made in the USA product with more coming online also. Everything we produce which will include baseball hats, jeans, an additional clothing line, things for the home, decorations, practical office supplies and more are all made in the United States. Our first product, an American icon, the baseball hat.
Wearing a PTBA® product means, you are proud to be an American and you have great fashion sense. Or, you may love the values the United States invokes if you are outside of the country. Either way, our products are meant to be purchased by everyone nationally and internationally. We do not discriminate. However, we do promote the highest of standards when it comes to producing quality products made in the USA.
Many companies make some products in the United States but not all. And often, it is very hard to find clear information on where something is made at all. It is our simple intention to recognize companies for the efforts they take to support American workers and communities. We will research and contact and post information as we are able to gather it, hopefully saving you effort along the way.
But if you have concerns or information to share about any product on this site please, by all means, please contact us today.